freelance bartender

Should you become a freelance bartender?

A bartender—also known as barman, mixologist or alcohol server—refers to an individual who is engaged in the formulation and service of alcoholic beverages from behind the bar. They are usually responsible for the maintenance of the inventory and supplies for the bar. The bartending profession is usually the second occupation, especially for students, in order to gather customer experience or earn money for various purposes.

The trend is, however, changing across the globe, and bartending is no longer a profession by necessity but choice. The recognition of the bartending profession is evident from a number of world championships organized across the globe such as World Class and Bacardi Legacy, which have made popular bartending as a profession in the world.

Bartending is an emerging profession, and with its expansion, the number of opportunities has only increased. What has augmented the development of bartending as a profession is its inclusion in the freelancing community—community among the biggest professional communities in the world.

The freelance community has embraced bartending into its family, and now there are many freelance bartenders who are trying to take benefits out of this thriving community. Although opportunities are plenty, competition is stiff and cut-throat, and therefore, it is not that easy to become a freelance bartender. There are a few considerations that should be taken into account before actually venturing into this field as a freelancer.

1 Comment

  • Pedro Carlos

    Hi I wanted to apply to become a freelance bartender. I have one years experience with customer service so I am extremely confident in performing and meeting customer’s expectations.

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